Collection: Best Price Match Policy
iFireplacesUSA - Our Shopper's Best Price Policy Ensures a 100% Guaranteed Savings!
Our unwavering commitment revolves around consistently providing the most competitive prices throughout our online marketplace. We dedicate ourselves to this goal and work tirelessly to achieve it. If, within 30 days of your purchase, you find the same product offered at a lower price by another online retailer, please notify us. Rest assured, we will promptly refund the difference to your original payment method.
Thanks to our ongoing collaboration with suppliers, we secure the most favorable rates, ensuring that the prices listed on our website are both reliable and competitive. Should you discover an identical item at a lower price on another site in the future, please inform us within 30 days of your purchase, and we will ensure a refund for the price difference.
To initiate a request for a partial refund based on finding a lower price on another website, please email us. Include the link to the exact product and brand from our site, along with the link from our competitor's site. This information helps us evaluate pricing effectively. Please ensure that this request is made within 30 days from the date of your order. After reviewing your submission, if a credit is warranted, we will process it accordingly.
Nevertheless, our 100% Shoppers Best Price Guarantee comes with certain limitations:
To qualify for a review and submission, the item must be purchased from our site. This policy excludes rebate programs or specific retailer offers, such as 'buy three, get one free' deals, or similar combinations deemed ineligible. The competitor's site from which you submit information must have the item available in stock. The competitor should operate solely as an online store without a physical retail location, such as a warehouse, showroom, or physical store. Manufacturer offers are not eligible for price matching. The website in question cannot be a wholesaler, liquidator, distributor, or auction website, including platforms like eBay,, Via Trading, Overstock, etc. The competitor must be an authorized reseller of the product, as designated by the supplier and/or manufacturer. Our Shopper's Best Price Policy applies to both the product listing price and the total shipping cost, excluding any sales tax included in the final purchasing invoice.